Use our Sandbox to try out test payments
Sandbox Mode
UPayments provide you a Sandbox mode which enables you to try out your integration.
Sandbox Mode facilitates integration testing without initiating real charges or payments. It serves as a testing environment that mimics the creation of genuine objects, eliminating the potential impact on actual transactions or the transfer of real funds
Test API Keys (Bearer Token)
- Non-whitelabeled API : jtest123
- Whitelabeled API: e66a94d579cf75fba327ff716ad68c53aae11528
Quick Test Video
Test sending Post requests from UPayments Developers Documentation directly.
Postman Test Video
Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs.
You can test sending Post requests from Postman.
Try it yourself from Postman
To get started with test payments (from Postman), follow the below steps
Endpoint to create a payment request:
- In the Header add Accept:application/json
- Go to Authorization -> Pass the API Token in 'Bearer Token'
Test API Keys (Bearer Token)
- Non-whitelabeled API : jtest123
- Whitelabeled API: e66a94d579cf75fba327ff716ad68c53aae11528
- In the Body, copy and paste the sample code from 'Create a payment request' page using the copy icon. If the sample code works fine, replace the it with your own code or request to generate a new payment request.
If the sample code works fine, replace the it with your own code or request to generate a new payment request.
Production API Keys
Contact [email protected] or +965 1809888 for the Production API keys (Bearer Token),
Passing Non Whitelabel API Token
Non-whitelabel API page shows the below page with all enabled Payment Methods
White labeled API
Whitelabeled API allows you to host the payment methods of your choice on your own checkout page.
How to use Test cards
Test Cards will work only with Test API credentials and will not work with Production API credentials.
Test transactions can be made using the Test Cards found in this link
Test cards are compatible exclusively with KNET and Credit Cards and are not supported by Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, or Google Pay.
To verify the your integration, simulate transactions in test mode using specific values without any real transactions before moving to Production.
Further enquiries:
In case of any further technical queries, email us at [email protected]