API Reference

Retrieve customer cards from token


This API lets you retrieve the Cards details saved by the customers. Details can be listed as per the merchant's design in your own browser.


Request Header

Add "Authorization": "Bearer {Token}" to the request header.

Request Model

The request is a POST request with the following parameters:

Input ParameterTypeLengthDescription
customerUniqueTokeninteger, mandatory8 (minimum)Pass customer unique token here. This unique token will retrieved all saved card. You will get customerUniqueToken from Create Token API

Response Model

    "status": true,
    "message": "Card received successfully",
    "data": {
        "customerCards": [
                "brand": "MASTERCARD",
                "number": "512345xxxxxx0008",
                "scheme": "MASTERCARD",
                "token": "9735417547051929"
    "status": true,
    "message": "Card received successfully",
    "data": {
        "customerCards": [
                "brand": "MASTERCARD",
                "number": "512345xxxxxx0008",
                "scheme": "MASTERCARD",
                "token": "9707735648585576"
                "brand": "MASTERCARD",
                "number": "512345xxxxxx2513",
                "scheme": "MASTERCARD",
                "token": "9851918838414013"

Flow of Add Card and Retrieve card

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!