API Reference

Users can create the token from a Credit/Debit card for a faster checkout process


To save a user's card details, you should include a unique numeric value in the "customerUniqueToken" variable when sending a request. If the user has not opted to save their card, this field should be left empty. The value you choose should be unique, such as the user's mobile number.

Users will be able to see their saved cards within the system and select them for future transactions. If there are no saved cards for the requested customer with the current merchant, the system will save the details for future transactions. By following this process, you can ensure that user card details are stored securely and easily accessible for future transactions.


Request Header

Add "Authorization": "Bearer {Token}" to the request header.

Request Model

The request is a POST request with the following parameters:

Input ParameterTypeLengthDescription
cardarray, mandatory
card.numberinteger, mandatory16Represents the 16 digits of the card that will be charged for the transaction
card.expiryarray, mandatory
card.expiry.monthstring,mandatory2Card expiry month
card.expiry.yearstring,mandatory2Card expiry year
card.securityCodestring, mandatory4Card CVV / CVC
card.nameOnCardstring, mandatory255Name on card
customerUniqueTokeninteger, mandatory8 (minimum)This card will attach to this customer token. You will get customerUniqueToken from Create Token API
    "card": {
        "number": "5123450000000008",
        "expiry": {
            "month": "02",
            "year": "39"
        "securityCode": "100",
        "nameOnCard": "Dharmendra Kakde"
    "customerUniqueToken": 8866268287

Response Model

    "status": true,
    "message": "Data received successfully",
    "data": {
        "brand": "MASTERCARD",
        "number": "512345xxxxxx0008",
        "scheme": "MASTERCARD",
        "token": "9000190846803047"

Data Flow of Add card and retrieve card

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!